Hawaiian Quilter

He Kipa Mōʻī

“The Queen’s Visit”

100% Cotton, Hand-dyed by Ric Stark
39” x 39”
Completed June, 2014

* Design and quilting by Ric Stark

* Completed June, 2014

* 39” x 39”, 100% cotton, with wool batting

* Fabric hand-dyed by Ric Stark

* Kāʻu Art Festival— Best in Show, 2014

This quilt commemorates Queen Liliuokalani’s trip and visit to the island of Kauaʻi (the only visit by a Hawaiian monarch to the island.) Mokihana and hapu`u  in the center motif represent the island of Kauaʻi, while symbols of the Queen are quilted into the ocean border.

On the evening of July 8, 1891, while the Queen waited off-shore to dock at Nāwiliwili harbor, the hillside lit up aglow with lanterns of Kauaʻis enthusiastic subjects, eager to greet their monarch.

A royal welcome followed the Queens landing and a grand celebration was held at the Rice mansion.

Every quilt has a story. He Kipa Mōʻī is no exception. I have written the full tale of the quilt, and I am happy to share it with you.

 The quilt is available for sale. The price of this artwork is $3,000.00.

 If you are interested in learning more about the quilt and a potential sale transaction, please contact me, using the “Contact” menu option.

 I have set up a “back room” on the website to facilitate any sale’s transaction and to ensure the satisfaction and safety of both buyer and seller. Thank you for your interest. I look forward to further discussion.

 Ric d. Stark

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